Livet genom en rosa dimma

Team Cycle Corners cykelblogg om livet klädd i rosa.

torsdag 18 juni 2009

"The Lone Pink Panther" (SMACK)

(Photo by: Niklas Källström: The lone chase)

Race up date:

Well, yesterday was fun. Raced the Markim SMACK road race 64km average speed 41km, 66 participants.

Great course- well organized. I felt like a lone ranger on a mission as I raced on my own, no Valhall or CC riders. Big teams were, Ck Uni, Ck Norrtälje, Bålsta Ck and Vallentuna Ck. I had to play it right and ensure my destiny. Peter Lindqvist set out on his own with another rider for most of the race, no teams were actively chasing. I made several attacks to speed things up, felt great. (As Oscar would put it, my nose took some wind J) Eventually at the end of the first lap I broke away and created a good gap and managed to stay away for 12km, but then caught. Eventually me and a few guys decided to bring the two back in as no team was taking sole responsibility in an organized fashion and then we caught the two guys with 5km to go. Finished in a sprint with me winning my H30 and 3rd totally. Very happy chap and great training.

As I was on my own the Pink CC kit was all out. I was marked hell of a lot but still pushed the boat.

That’s it, over and out.



Peter Lindqvist CK Norrtälje Elit 1st

Torbjörn de Jager Team CK Cyklig H40 2nd

Damian Herbert Ck Valhall H30 3rd

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